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All Testimonials

"John made me laugh every morning. Punctual...we always enjoyed getting up early to hear John's humor!"
"The availability of Jenny and John was a big plus. I felt very comfortable approaching you with questions. Thank you for all your hard work and preparation for us. It was a memorable and wonderful experience."
"I liked that runs and activities were structured to include and embrace ALL ability levels."
"What a wonderful memory-maker this experience was for us. Thank you all!"
"Loved the run sites, loved the camaraderie, loved the dining together, loved singing the National Anthem. I would definitely take another Running Cruise with you in the future!"
"It would be hard to have a better cruise than this one. John and Jenny are wonderful!"
"I loved meeting and running with people from all over. I'm glad that my husband had fast people to run with while I could hang with people more my speed."
"I liked being taken to great spots for the runs with such ease. A great job with coordinating with the ships' agenda and ours."
"Of course I loved the races, but also meeting other runners from around the US and Canada was fun. Also meeting runners from the clubs of Juneau, Sitka and Ketchikan was very special."
"I really liked the stage-race idea - running a distance in each city, working toward a goal at the end of the week. And the structure where anyone could win was really fun!"
"I enjoyed getting to know people, sharing with other runners, seeing new places and enjoying beautiful scenery on great running courses. Great job overall!"
"Loved the way the "competition" was structured - if it had been based only on time, it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun. Please keep that!"
"I have run and completed 31 marathons before participating in the Great Alaskan Running Cruise, and this was by far the best - beautiful courses, fabulous running, coaches!"

"For me, running and seeing Alaska were my priorities. As a result there was time to stretch, drop in on an on-board seminar and take a nap. Perfect!"
"Just a short note to say that you did a great job with The Caribbean Running Cruise. It was very well done. The races were challenging, well marked (most interestingly) and well planned. I think we can all say that we saw the best of all the islands first hand. The weather could not have been better--some shade and no rain. I learned a lot from this trip and am glad that I had the opportunity to participate. I hope I get to meet you both again. Until then, thanks for the great run and memories. The best to you both."
"This was my first cruise and what a blast it was! The Cruise & Vacation Authority staff were great and made sure that we all had first class amenities. What can be said about The Penguin and Coach Jenny? They were awesome. Very approachable and friendly. Hearing their insights to the sport of running is invaluable. The fun that was had cannot be described. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Looking forward to the next adventure!"